Received Messages

This describes the timing and format of the messages sent to your http endpoint. All messages are sent in JSON format and offer Best-effort delivery. A listener will only attempt to deliver messages once. If the message cannot be delivered, it will be dropped.

Antenny disregards any responses to these http requests. If your server responds with an error code, the subscription continues to function as normal. The only way to stop messages from being sent is to cancel the subscription.


This message is sent after a listener is allocated for the subscription. It is sent only once during the entire listener's lifecycle. This message is intended announce the listeners presence to you.

  "event": "initialized",
  "listenerId": "a513e691-7315-4b02-8967-1d4e498105a9",
  "subscriptionId": "6f27ee65-0f2e-4eb2-98ca-bdeba6506f3c"


This message is sent when the subscription is transitioning to the LISTENING state. This means that a successful connection has been made to the resource.

  "event": "connected",
  "listenerId": "a513e691-7315-4b02-8967-1d4e498105a9",
  "subscriptionId": "6f27ee65-0f2e-4eb2-98ca-bdeba6506f3c"


This message is sent whenever the listner receives a message from the connected socket.

  "event": "received",
  "listenerId": "a513e691-7315-4b02-8967-1d4e498105a9",
  "subscriptionId": "6f27ee65-0f2e-4eb2-98ca-bdeba6506f3c",
  "message": "{\"Hello\": \"World!\"}"


This message is sent if the subscription is transitioning back to the CONNECTING state. NOTE - A listener may disconnect and reconnect in the LISTENING state without this message being sent. If the listener is unable to reconnect after 5 retries this message will be sent. For more information see Subscription Lifecycle

  "event": "disconnected",
  "listenerId": "a513e691-7315-4b02-8967-1d4e498105a9",
  "subscriptionId": "6f27ee65-0f2e-4eb2-98ca-bdeba6506f3c"


This message is sent when the listener allocated to your subscription is stopped. The most common reason for this happening is the corresponding subscription is canceled.

  "event": "stopped",
  "listenerId": "a513e691-7315-4b02-8967-1d4e498105a9",
  "subscriptionId": "6f27ee65-0f2e-4eb2-98ca-bdeba6506f3c"